Dandruff Remedies
Dandruff remedies are time consuming and tedious. Definitely not suitable for busy men who are globe trotting every now and then. But it also true that the worst victims of dandruff are men and it can even get embarrassing at times. Imagine turning up for an important meeting showered in dandruff flakes?
Peculiar Men Dandruff Facts:
Men have shorter hair but more dandruff then women. Firstly, we need to understand the fact that men have more dandruff than women. This is at the core of all our hair problems. It is probably because men do do not pay due attention to their hair care needs that dandruff infests their scalp monstrously. Some experts also say that male hormones facilitate the growth of dandruff.
Premature male balding can happen due to dandruff: Now a days premature balding for men is a big concern. There are of course multiple reasons for it but dandruff is a major cause. If you have a layer of dandruff on your scalp then whatever you apply on it will not reach the roots. This is why oiling hair, herbal treatments and the whole paraphernalia does not give results for hair loss if you have dandruff. You have to do dandruff treatment at home from the core.
Dandruff Remedies for Busy People:Here are some easy dandruff remedies for people who cannot spare too much time for themselves. Dandruff home treatment can be much more effective than using harsh anti-dandruff shampoos that again lead to hair fall.
Lemon and Curd: People busy with their professional lives don't have the time for making herbal packs for their hair. But lemon and curd due to their citrus nature are the best natural dandruff remedies. All you have to do is squeeze a lemon in a small bowl of curd, mix it and apply it on your hair. You have to leave it for half an hour while you continue with your work and then wash it off; preferably with a mild anti dandruff shampoo.
Garlic and Oil: You can be too busy to oil your hair but you will face the consequences in a few years. If you already have a severe problem of itchy dry scalp then then plain oil will not do. Just squash a few cloves of garlic and heat it in the microwave for 2 minutes at 800 degree centigrade. Now massage this lukewarm oil on your scalp. This should hydrate your scalp and get rid of the flaky skin.
Olive oil and Ginger: If all these dandruff remedies are too cumbersome for you then this one should be simple enough. Heat ginger with olive oil in the microwave and apply it on your scalp just a few minutes before you wash your hair. There is no need to leave it overnight and it will still show results.
It is important to find effective remedies for dandruff even if you are busy because the more you ignore it the more damage it causes.
Have a good health.
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